Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

A commitment in motion

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Our DEI Commitment

At Apex, DEI is not a side-project — it’s a lens we apply to our everyday work.

We use DEI to sharpen our innovation, collaboration, inclusivity, and understanding of client needs. By making our DEI work scalable, lasting, and action-oriented — we enhance our business practices, strategic initiatives, and product development.

And of course, we apply DEI to our work to attract and retain diverse talent.

DEI Jargon Translator

The Diverse Workforce — The goal state of the Apex employee population, where people from a great variety of backgrounds come to Apex and grow this thing together.

The Diverse Workforce will always be a work in progress as there is always room to grow.

Historical Note:
The finance industry does not exactly have the best track record of embracing diversity. So by definition, pursuing The Diverse Workforce means doing things differently from how they’ve always been done.

A Welcoming Atmosphere — The conditions that enable people from a wide variety of backgrounds to feel comfortable growing their careers at Apex.

It’s a Whole Vibe
The feeling of belonging made possible when each employee has the education, support, and responsibility to create a culture of inclusion for each other.

It’s a Whole Collection of Business Practices
The policies, programs, events, employee resource groups (ERGs) and more that translate vague ideas into tangible elements of daily work life.

Intentional Internal Equity Work — A bucket of things we do to make the world at Apex as fair as possible for all our employees.

This includes issues around:

  • Access and support
    Making sure we all have equal access to training, resources, and advancement opportunities
  • Benefits
    For example, working to ensure things like in-network doctors are available in the neighborhoods where our employees and applicants live.

External DEI Efforts — How we use our talents and resources to expand opportunity to historically marginalized groups.


We just made this one up.

But really, it’s not about the terms we use. It’s about the work we put in for each other.

Awareness Initiatives

  • Poverty Awareness Month
  • Black History Month
  • Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Women’s History Month
  • International Women’s Day
  • Autism Acceptance Month
  • AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islanders) Month
  • Cinco de Mayo
  • PRIDE month
  • Juneteenth
  • Hispanic Heritage Month

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