
Checklist: 13 Business Concerns Addressed by Apex Ascend

Apex Marketing
Aug 6, 2024 - Last Updated: Aug 6, 2024

Sure, Apex Ascend™ is built to handle a wide variety of business models and use cases — but does it address your concern specifically?

In a nutshell, Apex Ascend is real-time, cloud-native, investing infrastructure from Apex Fintech Solutions that can help accelerate the launch and efficiency of brokerage and wealth management solutions.

But when we describe Ascend with the phrase, “Build Nimble, Run Vast” — we clearly left out dozens of features and capabilities we could have called out by name. So that’s what we’re doing here.

Here are 13 common concerns that Apex Ascend is designed to address.

Business Concerns

Topic Concern Can Apex Ascend Help?
Enterprise scale/ volumes We need our product/experience to be able to function across an enterprise-scale user base from day one. Yes, Ascend is built to enable digital-first retail investment and trading across a range of asset classes, account types, investment solutions, and delivery models. Contact Apex using the link below for details about product and service availability.
Rapid changes in scale We need our platform to be able to handle surges in volumes/scale even if that growth is faster or sooner than we anticipate. Yes, Ascend is designed to flex to your needs, delivering seamless support even in periods of rapid growth.
Business model flexibility We need a platform that meets the needs of our business model, and even help us pivot or expand our offering to meet future needs. Yes, Ascend is built to enable digital-first retail investment and trading across a range of asset classes, account types, investment solutions, and delivery models. Contact Apex using the link below for details about product and service availability.

Risk Mitigation Concerns

Topic Concern Can Apex Ascend Help?
Positions Can we make calculations based on up-to-date information on client positions? Yes, through our real-time ledger.
Balances Can we make calculations based on up-to-date information on client balances? Yes, through our real-time ledger.
Cash Can we make calculations based on up-to-date information on client cash? Yes, through our real-time ledger.
Personal Identifying Information (PII) Can we ensure PII management is built into our investment infrastructure? Yes, PII management is built into Ascend.

Development/Product Concerns

Topic Concern Can Apex Ascend Help?
Speed to a decision We need the tools to help us more quickly and effectively evaluate whether a platform is right for us. Yes, our developer portal includes an API sandbox, SDKs, API documentation, and more to help you confidently make a decision.
Speed to market We need the tools to help us get off the ground and more quickly bring our solution to market. Yes, our modern developer tools include an API sandbox, SDKs, API documentation, and more designed to help you get to market on your timeline.
Future-ready adaptability We need to be able to adapt to future competitive and consumer demands time and again without having to rebuild critical infrastructure each time. Yes, Ascend’s infrastructure and modular architecture are designed to help you add capabilities and adapt to future needs. We’re even thinking about T+0 settlement.
Key-person risks Our legacy systems involve code that only a small number of employees fully understand. We need an approach that helps us avoid these key person risks. Yes, Ascend is built to support clients for the long-term, lowering the dependence on the aging code of legacy in-house systems.

Data Concerns

Topic Concern Can Apex Ascend Help?
Custom reports, queries, and dashboards We need to be able to access, query, and run reports on our own data 24/7 — without having to ask anyone for permission or help each time. Yes, Ascend’s cloud data capabilities and client data warehouse give you access to your data, and control over what you do with it.
Business intelligence We need to be able to turn our data into business insights 24/7 — without having to ask anyone for permission or help each time Yes, Ascend’s business intelligence platform gives you the access and tools to use your data to inform your business.

Ready to Take a Deeper Look?

Learn more on our Ascend page, or dive right in and take our APIs for a spin in our developer portal.

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Apex Marketing - Writer for Apex