With real-time advisor tools from a modern custodian, you can now open up new ways to resonate with clients and pursue growth at scale.
Average Age of End-Investors (Weighted by Assets)
This metric averages the age of investors served by an RIA firm, weighted by the amount of assets owned by each investor. It helps reveal where a firm’s book of business is in the client lifecycle. Apex proprietary data as of 5/1/23. Fidelity Institutional Insights, “The 2023 Fidelity RIA Benchmarking Study,” 2023.
We’re a leading custodian behind some of the investing apps that have helped define a generation of client expectations. Now we’re here to help advisors thrive in the world we’ve helped create.
Serve clients the ways that they now expect and demand
Harness the power of next-level tools like Apex AstraTM
Our modular APIs and veteran team help collaborators like Advyzon and Orion stand out in competitive markets.